Global Events Update

Posted 07/08/2024
  • Hurricane Beryl – The U.S. Coast Guard declared condition “Zulu” leading to Ports in Houston, Corpus Christi, Galveston, Freeport and Texas City to close Sunday morning and will remain closed until condition Zulu is lifted. All vessel movement and cargo operations are restricted under port condition Zulu. We will continue to monitor the situation, but please expect some delays in the region.
  • Germany Strike – In anticipation of the wage negotiations, the ver.di union has plans to schedule a strike on July 10 at the Hamburg and Bremerhaven ports. We have received notice that a formal demonstration will take place on July 10th from 9 am – 4 pm at the Hamburg port with around 1,500 participants expected. Due to the strikes, massive disruptions in the port operations are expected. We will continue to provide updates as we hear more about the situation.
  • Severe Weather in South Africa – Delays are expected for all South African ports, mainly between Cape Town and Port Elizabeth, for imports and exports starting today, July 8th . The entire coastline is forecasting high winds, heavy rain and rough seas leading to vessels potentially changing their route to avoid the dangerous conditions. Again, we will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as needed.
  • Cross-Andes Pass Re-Open – As noted last week, the pass reopened on June 30th and has remained open since. The traffic has been very slow due to the volume of trucks trying to cross in both directions. This heavy traffic has caused delays for round trip pick up for empty containers. The weather forecast remains clear for the next 7 days thus we should expect the congestion to clear up and normal operations to continue soon.