WTO Airbus Tariffs Remain As-Is
While we were hoping for a roll back on the 25% tariffs imposed on EU products, especially the most recent roll out on additional items in January, the USTR announced today that the current list of tariffs will remain as is, with no change in the list or duty amount. As we have reported before, the USTR must do a review (also known as a “carousel”) every 6 months. The next carousel is slated for August 9, 2021.
WSSA is working hand-in-hand with other industry associations to push for a return to the negotiating table. We have asked for a 180-day suspension of the tariffs for further review as well as an outright resolution of the case and elimination of tariffs imposed due to the Airbus and Boeing decisions.
The official announcement can be found here.
Please let us know if you have any questions or need a copy of the updated tariff list.