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Posted 11/02/2020

BREXIT & EU Trade Issues: Conquer the Confusion!

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

10:00am EST, 15:00 UK time

WSSA is pleased to announce an exclusive webinar to address the most common questions relating to trade, logistics, compliance and predictions in relation to BREXIT and key EU trade and tariff issues. If you are importing from or exporting to the EU or UK and want information on the latest WTO retaliatory tariff situation, the US-UK trade agreement talks, and the impact of BREXIT, this webinar is for you!

Speakers include:
Rob Maron, Vice President of International Trade at DISCUS/Distilled Spirits Council of the U.S.:

Rob will speak on the current state of play on EU-UK-US trade agreements, addressing regulatory developments and trade agreements that will impact US exports and US imports to and from the UK and EU. 

Nichole Johnson, President and CEO of Rusty Rabbit International, a global brand management and business development agency headquartered in London.

Nichole will provide pragmatic advice for anyone shipping to and from the UK and Europe as well as inter-european trading, including the latest updates on labeling, new mandates and newly published guidelines on “grace periods."

Ron Crawford, Managing Director, Albatrans International Freight Forwarders, Glasgow office.

Ron and other members of the Albatrans UK team will present the most common questions posed by UK shippers, as well as the outlook on the expected logistics pain points. 


All questions welcome! Register today!

